Sunday, 29 May 2011


I played around with music for hours but i could not get a good sound that fitted the type of imagery. Then i found a website online where you can download free music with no copyright on the audio file. 
I used the search engine and typed in the word i felt my film represented which was TRANSFORM and found only one song called witness the full transformation. The sound was edgy but easy to listen to very acoustic i thought which i liked a lot.



I am going to document the process in how i am creating the stop motion film to show my metaphor and the effort it toke to get all the people to wear the shirt. My idea was to get a lot of random people on the street to wear the same t-shirt and to do a pose wearing the t-shirt and take a photo. The weather was a bit of an issue as i could not take photos of people in the rain or on a windy day so i was limited in that aspect but i managed to get around 100 people to take a photo it toke about 2hours to get around 20 photos of people who would help me out. I found out that my talkative and persuasion skills grew over the past couple of days as i found it easier to approach people.


I wanted to create a starting scene to the film where me and my friends showed that we were walking into the camera, but changing with every step. This was very difficult to edit because it was very jumpy.

These are a couple of experiments with photography, lighting and movement.

This was the alternative start

This was a practice with editing.

This was a shorten down 
version of the film

Monday, 23 May 2011


This is the development of the design on the t shirt i thought that a splatter design would be very different and unusual. This is a picture of a paint splatter that i found on google images.

This is an image of my re-defined image of the paint splatter that i put through illustrater

This is the final design for the t-shirt using the paint splatter, with some except allowed i was able to use the word me being specific to my function of variables.


This is an AA Comerical that i thought had a similar representation to what my video will be about, but instead of having the t-shirt change all the time i will have the people change and also the environment around that person change at certain points of the stop motion. 

This is the link

Monday, 16 May 2011


Time plan

For the rest of this week i a going to keep developing my idea into a more formidable concept that matches the design brief, to do this i must:

1. Research my idea, learn more about my processing word

2. Work out the exact prices on making a branded t-shirt

3. Came up with more ideas in to exhibit my idea for example i might make a poster with my idea

Money plan

Well i am pretty poor at the moment and can not afford to get a designer t-shirt made that would cost over 20-40 dollars. I have heard that if i supply my own t-shirt and design i can get one made for around 20 dollars which is in my price range. 


This is just a simple example of what a variable is in processing and what a variable does to effect a code.

The example is using the int variable where int is placed at the front of a given value so when the loop is written in this code it uses the variable for a specific reason for example (int x1=0) is code foe giving the x1 which is a co-ordinate a value which is 0. 


This is a sketch that i have drawen just to show how this idea could be used in various type of processing terms not just as a variable.

Monday, 9 May 2011


I have been brainstorming a few ideas for the exhibition as i am going to actually make something physical so the viewers have a physical model to look at, but also considering the time and expenses in doing maybe a model or statue.





Variable is defined as a symbol that represents a value and the associated value may be used to be changed. 

Variables are used for storing values

There are different types of variables the most common




Each of them have a different effect on the values used to store within them.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

FInal design


This is what i have came up with so far i have spent a long time in developing this as i have been researching how to do certain things to achieve this online in the reference, doing alot of the tutorials and just looking and figuring out how other people did there own codes to make them look so good.



I believe that my design can use alot of improvements in many areas but i think it is a good little code that has some key aspects to it, and meets my theme that i have been developing over the past few weeks. The interaction is definitely there and i think is fun to just have a click around just to find out where the loudest part of the code will be.

Introducing sound


I have not thought much about sound but my main goal is to make the sound interactive with snake so it can have this waving effect. Maybe i can have a tone going on in the background and have the sound change when the snake moves up and down or to a certain point. I think that the sound will only be a secondary thing to the idea of the snake, so i am a little bit worried about this.
The link shows after a few try out of different sound, that works the best with the type of imagery. The sound was made through garageband on my laptop and exported as an mp3 file.

To work out different ways of introducing sound i picked apart some different codes and used the groove audio player so my sound continually plays and changes in volume depending on where the snake is moving it gets quit loud sometimes so just a WARNING (turn down the volume!!!!!)

import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;

Minim minim;
AudioPlayer groove;
BandPass bpf;

float beginX = 20.0;  
float beginY = 10.0;  
float endX = 500.0;     
float endY = 400.0;     
float distX;           
float distY;           
float exponent = 4;    
float x = 0;         
float y = 0;          
float step = 0.01;      
float percentage = 0.0; 

void setup() 
  minim = new Minim(this);
    groove = minim.loadFile("My Song.mp3");
  size(550, 450);
  distX = endX - beginX;
  distY = endY - beginY;
   bpf = new BandPass(440, 20, groove.sampleRate());

void draw() 
  rect(0, 0, width, height);
  percentage += step;
  if (percentage < 1.0) {
    x = beginX + (percentage * distX);
    y = beginY + (pow(percentage, exponent) * distY);
  ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);

void mousePressed() {
  percentage = 0.0;
  beginX = x;
  beginY = y;
  endX = mouseX;
  endY = mouseY;
  distX = endX - beginX;
  distY = endY - beginY;
void mouseMoved()
  float passBand = map(endX,0 , width, 0, 2000);
  float bandWidth = map(endY ,0, height, 500, 1000);

void stop()


I have created a different way for how the snake reacts in relation to the mouse as the object travels with a curve in the direction where you click the mouse the snake will move in a curved line towards the spot that the mouse is clicked.


I have developed the code with a simple trick that gives the snake a fading effect so after a certain number of circles have been drawn the background will fade back to normal.
I have added anther element into the equation as with a little help from our class rep i have managed to figure out how the snake can move by itself. It was a huge task for me to complete and i feel glad to have achieved this because it just has that extra element to it, which makes the code look good. Which i am still working on.

Interim presentation


After i showed my idea to the class the feedback i got was very constructive i felt that i had to simplify my idea from having two components to just sticking with a main idea and keeping a simple concept. I really believed that i idea was not up at the standard of others in the class and found that my idea had to be developed at a high standard to meet with the others codes in the class. 


I am going to develop my snake idea so the the snake dose not necessarily follow the mouse but kinda curves and swoops in a different directions but keeping the the fading tail effect to stay true with the original idea.

I want to create an easy to do code, but has that certain amount of interaction and depth to it, so a user can play around with how the snake moves around.

also to incorporate sound into the design in a different aspect which i need to develop.